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Within the first five minutes of the session, one of the most powerful experiences happened after workshop leaders had taken the kids to another room. Dr. Wallace asked the parents to close their eyes and imagine for a moment “What would life be like if your child didn’t have pain?” Every parent in the room became emotional. It breaks my heart how Jewel’s pain has robbed her of performing in community theater productions, singing in a children’s choir, going on family walks and bike rides, playing with neighborhood friends, competing in youth triathlons and so many other activities. Dr. Wallace gave my husband and me a moment to see our girl doing those things again…and then throughout the workshop he gave us tools to help make that image a reality.

Click here to read the rest of Julie's story.

Rachael Coakley chronic pediatric pain psychologist Rachael Coakley, PhD, is a pediatric psychologist in the Pain Treatment Service at Boston Children’s Hospital and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. She is the author of When Your Child Hurts: Effective Strategies to Increase Comfort, Reduce Stress and Break the Cycle of Chronic Pain, which recently received a National Parenting Products Award. She also directs The Comfort Ability, a one-day pain management workshop for children with chronic pain and their parents.


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